“The trees twist, bend, straighten up again with a deafening creak and strain upward as though struggling to uproot themselves and flee. No, they do not give in. The pain of roots and broken limbs, the fierce stubbornness of plants, no less powerful tan that of animals and men. If these trees were suddenly to start walking, they would destroy everything in their path. But they choose to remain where they are: they do not have blood or nerves, only sap, and instead of rage or fear, a silent tenacity possesses them…Patience: the heroism of plants. Being neither a lion nor a serpent: being a holm-oak, a piru-tree.”
-Octavio Paz
Gramarian Monkey

Combining different perspectives of nature, A garden grows in the city builds an emotional approach to the universe from a local and unique point of view. Tomassini observes nature -its changes and cycles- and captures images that create optical illusions and submerge the spectator into a poetic composition, getting caught in the infinite lines and connections between them.
With little or no distinction between what could be seen from microscopic to macroscopic views, Tomassini´s images give the impression of being in front of universal truth. A meditative state that comes out first as an individual experience, while walking around with her camera and observing, and then transcends into the printed image.
This exhibition compiles a small selection of images that are part of an ongoing project that initiated over 3 years ago while taking walks, mainly in Brooklyn and Manhattan. The artist has dedicated her walks to observe plants, trees and flowers, noticing and documenting all their changes and cycles.
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