Renata Del Riego, "Anudando", 2020. Pulpa de papel a base de hoja de maíz y algodón, cemento.

"Tierras Rotas" es una serie de 3 exposiciones en las que Hanae Utamura (Japón), Renata Del Riego (México) y Bel Falleiros (Brasil), abordan la idea de fallas, quiebres y rupturas a partir de exploraciones afectivas y socio-políticas, cartográficas y gravitacionales, y desde la contradicción y capacidades creadoras de sus encrucijadas. 
"Broken Lands" is a series of 3 exhibitions in which Hanae Utamura (Japan), Renata Del Riego (Mexico) and Bel Falleiros (Brazil) explore the idea of faults, breaks and ruptures from the affective and socio-political, from the cartographic and gravitational, and from the contradiction and creative capacities of their crossroads.
Parte I – Hanae Utamura: 19 de enero al 2 de febrero
Parte II – Renata Del Riego: 5 al 28 de febrero
Parte III – Bel Falleiros: 4 al 30 de marzo 
op.cit.- Mexico City
1Monterrey 289-3, Colonia Roma, 06760, Mexico city
2Patricio Sanz 626, Colonia del Valle, 03110, Mexico city
In a series of monotypes that emerge from a speculative investigation based on the observation of cracks in different places, Renata Del Riego looks for ways to re interpret the crack from its representation as drawing and trajectory. With the help of atlases, old maps, geographical accounts and photographic documentation, del Riego weaves lines between poetry, image and cartography in which the gravity of latitudes, equatorial lines, borders and tectonic plates in perpetual movement, are printed and dissolved with the “passing and the weight of time”. This new corpo-cartographic investigation is presented along with Untitled (Lethe), 2023, a piece that emerges from an installation in a specific space in a mine in Rosendale, New York, in which Del Riego created a series of floating rocks inspired by Lethe, who in Greek mythology represents stream of oblivion. In this sculptural/speculative exercise, Del Riego imagines what would happen if rocks had no memory and concludes that they would probably float. Installed on a marble grain base with water, the group of rocks defies the visual language and the rules of physics to question the function of memory and its weight in a deep time context. ----- Elisa Gutiérrez Eriksen
Renata Del Riego is a visual artist interested in the relationship between matter and text; thread and word; stone and memory. Her work focuses on what falls, dangles, runs off, and dissolves over time. The weight of time. The passage of the weight. Her practice is the result of reflections on language as sculptural material, using repetitive acts of fragmentation and reconstruction. She was born in Mexico City, grew up in Tijuana, and lives in New York.
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